Watch the Olympics Online is a video portal for Olympic sports content. The site, with not so creative a name, offers up an extensive collection of archived footage of past olympic games, tournaments and events. Another nifty little addition is the inclusion of documentaries and full fledged movies about the olympics, including documentary spotlights on athletes.

In compliment to Olympic videos, watch the olympics online also does exactly that - by offering up live video streams of the actual olympic games events. The site provides multiple streams bing broadcasted so you can watch different events being played. The entire thing just requires the flash plugin and works exceptionaly well given the amount of events going on at the same time. You can get different perspectives as many of the live internet streams are from differing countries.

The Overall Ratings for Watch The Olympics Online Live:
Show Diversity: (4/5)

Based on the mixture of television shows available on the site.
Loading Speed: (4/5)
The time taken to navigate the site and load videos.
Ease of Navigation: (3/5)
How easy is it to use and navigate.
Advertisements: (1/5)
Based on the annoyance level of advertisements on this site, the amount of ads, and the volatility of ads appearing on the page.
The lower the rating, the less annoying the ads are.

Total Score: 17/20

Watch Olympics Live
is definately worth visiting, although the name could have used more imagination, the site works quite well. I'm not so sure how well this work after and whteher it will be of any use, but for olympics sports videos - this can't be beat. Even NBC's coverage, which is only avaiable to those in the US, is not so great. Unfortunately, as I'm not American I can't test out NBC or YouTube's coverage so this hits the spot quite nicely.

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