Homestar Runner is a popular cartoon series that was amongst the first to release small single serving shows, now called webisodes. It features the protagonist main character Strongbad, a Mexican werstler pseudo boxer, and his rag-tag group of friends who engage in all sorts of adventures. The shows strongest points is Stongbad's emails, where the main character replies to user sent-in e-mails. It often involves some hilarious quips at the expense of the writer, and random jokes interspliced with interactions from his friends.

Recently the popularity of the show has lent weight for the release of an episodic video game called Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People. While the game is a pay-for with some of the episodes being released for free, it's something to check out if you find this of interest. There's also other mini-shows generally drawn more crudely, the most popular of which is Teen Girl Squad - a crudely drawn stick figure animation of a team of cheerleaders, narrated and poorly voiced by the Homestar Runner characters. It's achieved a cult status for it's random humor.

The Overall Ratings for Homestar Runnre:
Show Diversity: (4/5)

Based on the mixture of television shows available on the site.
Loading Speed: (5/5)
The time taken to navigate the site and load videos.
Ease of Navigation: (3/5)
How easy is it to use and navigate.
Advertisements: (0/5) (Nothing annoying -seriously)
Based on the annoyance level of advertisements on this site, the amount of ads, and the volatility of ads appearing on the page.
The lower the rating, the less annoying the ads are.

Total Score: 17/20

Homestar Runner
is undeniably one of the best sites for hilarious cartoons for those who enjoy random humor in the wake of such mainstream shows as Family Guy. The humor caters to a younger audience, but has become quite popular and is definately worth checking out for those looking for something new, and fresh. With the franchise expanding, there's plenty of wonderful things to check out on Homestar Runner.

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