Garlicoon is a video site about food and wine recipes, and also sounds slightly racist. I'm not entirely sure what the name means or why they didn't go for something more catchy garlicky or garlical. What Garlicoon does have is a bunch of videos from various video sites, mostly YouTube, on the matter of cooking. It's not really it's own video site, but a food site based off of the Ning free Social Network platform.

The site isn't entirely original, and seems slapped together over the course of a few hours. The quality of the videos aren't very good, although now and then there are a few professionaly done videos that appear to advertising rival cooking video sites. Certain videos seemed out of place or were entirely unrelated to food (I'm not sure what a video on skateboarding is doing on a food site).

The Overall Ratings for Garlicoon:
Show Diversity: (2/5)
Based on the mixture of television shows available on the site.
Loading Speed: (3/5)
The time taken to navigate the site and load videos.
Ease of Navigation: (1/5)
How easy is it to use and navigate.
Advertisements: (1/5)
Based on the annoyance level of advertisements on this site, the amount of ads, and the volatility of ads appearing on the page.
The lower the rating, the less annoying the ads are.

Total Score: 10/20

Garlicoon could be much more, the name is not enticing but asides from that the content looks rushed and put together using some sort of automation with many low quality videos being mixed in with the better ones. I'm not entirely sure this should be labelled a video site considering that it seems to be pulling videos directly from YouTube and with no visible filter for quality. I wouldn't recommend Garlicoon.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogs like yours are polluting the internet!!!!

May 06, 2009


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