Obsessed with Britney Spears? Yea me neither, but the official site of Britney Spears has revamped itself and now contains a video blog of the daily or weekly outings of Britney Spears. The site is written in 3rd person, making it seem as if they are third hand accounts but since it's actually her official page it's obvious that these are controlled press releases. The videos aren't entirely amusing or interesting, given that they are only videos that show her in a flattering manner. If you're not a gossip hound, you most likely will find no real value in this site - but if you're one of the many fans who follow the daily exploits of Britney, you'll probably want to keep up to date with this site as it showcases her current plans (concert / appearance wise) and past performances and interviews.

The Overall Ratings for Britney Spears Videos:
Show Diversity: (2/5)
Based on the mixture of television shows available on the site.
Loading Speed: (4/5)
The time taken to navigate the site and load videos.
Ease of Navigation: (2/5)
How easy is it to use and navigate.
Advertisements: (1/5)
Based on the annoyance level of advertisements on this site, the amount of ads, and the volatility of ads appearing on the page.
The lower the rating, the less annoying the ads are.

Total Score: 8/20

Britney Spears Video doesn't offer the least bit interesting to anyone not completely obsessed about the pop music star. The videos are mostly a collection from various video hosts, such as YouTube, but still for those who enjoy the capers of Mrs. Spears or enjoy seeing the slow decline of an again pop star - you may want to check out this site.


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